Entries by Alice Giacomini

GOLF CLINIC con Giulia Sergas e Veronica Zorzi

Quest’anno abbiamo un NUOVO Co-Event durante l’IN CITY GOLF a Trieste: Giulia Sergas e Veronica Zorzi, entrambe certificate coaches MentalGolfType, offrono il 7 giugno presso il Golf Club Trieste una giornata sull’approccio mentale al gioco. Possono partecipare al massimo 18 persone a 120€ a persona:il pacchetto per i partecipanti comprende green fee, campo pratica e […]


From the 24th till the 25th of May 2024 there will be for the second time a IN CITY GOLF event at INNSBRUCK!Then 72 guests will be allowed to play golf throughout Innsbruck. Past the Golden Roof and through the Maria-Theresien-Straße we enter typical old town alleys.

On November 17, 2022, the Piazza Unità d’Italia in Trieste became the location for the promotional shot for the Southwest Greens Central Europe In City Golf Trieste 2023 presented by Modbar in May 2023!

Giulia Sergas was allowed to hit a spectacular tee shot from a balcony of the Palazzo Municipale down in front of the fountain of the “Fontana dei quattro continenti”. On 19-20 On May 1st, the whole of Trieste becomes an 18-hole course – so make a note of this date. Photo © Steven Jewett